Time for the clever people to stand up.

I consider myself smarter than the average bear. I don't mean Einstein levels of intelligence or that I could have gone toe to toe with Professor Hawking, but I can tie my own shoe laces and I left education with some very acceptable achievements. So trust me when I say this, what follows may hurt, and even though this is only my version of it, sometimes the truth does.

I believe most people, with space in their head for thought will agree, the world is not as good as it should be. Climate change (yes it is real) is playing havoc across the globe, murders occur in the name of religious ideology (known in my house as "my god is better than your god" syndrome), school children are killed. It appears weekly, because Americans appear to be so afraid of 'something'. They all need and want weapons of death, and no democracy in the world actual appears to listen to the will of the people. So, all pretty crappy I'm sure you'll agree. Now, I know there is good in the world, plenty of it, but this should be considered normal behaviour and sadly it is not and the problem I'm afraid is lay at the feet of the clever people.

On my beloved Isle an election happened, one party won (by quite a large margin) and another lost, yet this is not how it was portrayed in the media. In America, a Presidential candidate lied - a lot; used childish insults - a lot; showed blatant racism - a lot, and yet won (according to him) by a lot. Even though the overwhelming consensus to climate change is, in those who see $ and £s disappearing at the thought of saving the planet from further harm manage to be in positions that can halt any reform. These issues are just the tip of an extremely large (and unfortunately melting) iceberg and it's the fault of people with brains. (Crap, just spelt brain as brian).

Let's start with politics and politicians. If you deal in facts, not conjecture or opinion, then most things appear quite clear and simple. Human emotion will always play a part in decision making but clever people should be able to cope and deal with this. So, why can't we? If a politician denies environmental issues for any reason, and yes that includes jobs, (it's the planet for fecks sake) they should be sent away, made to read the relevant factual information and then present their case based on any facts they have to back up their opinion. If they don't we deselect them. Trust me, most politicians value their own self preservation above all else so if you tell them "you lie and you're out of a job" most will find a way of telling the truth. Once the truth is out there many positive actions begin. The media, with no opinions to divide the public, have to start reporting facts to the large and usually willing audience. As this effect begins to trickle down, a now more informed electorate can now make a true choice. By that I mean not one handed down, not one created by scare mongering and lies, but a true choice decided by facts that best suit.

Then, and only then, can we truly elect a democratic Government and begin to hold them to account. If your election promises are based on facts, then they should be achievable. If the Government can't do deliver then we change.

To some this may be an over simplification on the problems of Politics. To those I ask one question. Why? Come on the clever people, time to stand up.


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