Blame it on Doctor Who.

   It's never a good thing when the morning starts off with shouting. It's never a good thing when the kids are leaving for school wiping away tears from a morning telling off. It's never a good thing, but it happens. It happens, not because you're a bad parent, not because you can't control your children and not because your kids are spoilt beyond belief (I believe that was the centre point of this mornings sermon). No, it happens because 4 humans into 1 house at rush o'clock in the morning doesn't always go.

   Let me share with you, my dear reader, a short insight into the morning of Castle accidentalhouselife. The wonderful wife is an early riser, not by choice but, by necessity of work. Unfortunately for yours truly, that means so are the kids. The boy child is a 6am man, whilst the girl child prefers the more relaxing 6.30. Joyfully this means a family that sees each other before the day begins. Not so joyfully this also means that at any one time 4 humans can be vying for the toilet, bathroom, kitchen, shoe rack, television or table space. The poor wife cannot leave without farewell kisses (enter crying kids if that happens), which can leave her waiting for the boy and girl to finish whatever morning duties they are engaged in before she can leave.

   Then there are 3. Now you may think this is where life becomes easier. Oh how I wish. Now it's wash time,dressed time, breakfast time, teeth time, hair time, shoe time, school bag time, pack lunch made and, well, packed, coats on and finally the walk to school. I stopped writing "time" after every stage as I was beginning to sound like Doctor Who, but really, the kids were up over 2 hours before we needed to leave, where does the time go? In the space time continuum where does that time between waking up and drop off go? It is that disappearance of 2 hours which leads to shouting and tears, as you battle the clock to avoid the dreaded closed school gates and experience the walk of shame to the school office.

   So it's never a good thing when the morning never goes to plan, it's never a good thing when there is shouting and tears in the morning. It's never a good thing, but blame it on Doctor Who.


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