How Much?

Never write angry, that's the piece of advice I received when I first started blogging, hence no post yesterday. 24 hours later, the anger still lingers, steam gently issues from my ears, but I can breathe in a normal manner and no longer feel the need to shout at everyone.

"But what has made you feel this way?" I hear you ask dear reader, so I shall answer the best I can without shouting or swearing (can't promise though so you may need to cover your eyes).

Money. That terrible 5 letter word that no-one wants to utter but is always in our minds. I will take a leap of assumption and say that you, dear reader, have experience with raising a child or multiples thereof. You know how expensive a task this is. The givens of cost being clothes, shoes, food (apparently, although why they need so much is beyond me, I mean, they're tiny, where does it all go?) and fluids. Then we have the expected costs, such as hair cuts, birthday presents, Christmas and Easter. Then the "they need them" costs such and paints and crayons, books, cd's, toys and games. That's all fine, we knew they were going to be there, so we suck it up, budget (or the wonderful wife does) and carry on with merry ways.

But hang on, what's this around the corner (or in the school bag)? First week back at school, money required for a school trip. First week back at Scouts, money required for a camping trip. First week of after school activities, money needed for drama club, music club, language club, sitting in a room chatting with my mates club. Alright, I might have made the last one up, but doesn't it just feel like that? Was it different when we were children, or did our parents not have the use of social media to vent their spleen? I have jeans that are older than the girl child, underwear that was old when the boy child was born and I think the 80's just rang asking for my suit to be returned.

There, no shouting, no swearing and spleen vented. I must declare no clubs have been harmed in the writing of this post and the children are still being fed and watered. I, on the other hand, may have blown a fuse that may never be replaced, can't afford the sparky.


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