Summer Is Over, Time For a Holiday.

So the long weeks of 4 people in the house instead of 1 have come to an end. The irony of being the stay at home parent. 5 weeks of 24/7, no breaks, spending money you really don't have, no time alone, still up at ridiculous o'clock, when will it end, do we have to go to Sea life, AGAIN, has finally come to an end. The period of your life that truly conflicts with those around you that is the school summer holidays.

Now I'm luckier than some. The better half works in education so she is available, in the house, on trips out, helping tidy, prepping food for a BBQ, keeping the kids entertained, all round being lovely. But here in lies another issue. That means I now have another adult in my work environment. I know, I'm whinging, but hear me out. I assume most other long term stay at home parents now view what they do as a job. If so, they, like me will have a work routine. Now, dear reader, put yourself in our position. All of a sudden, out of the blue(ish), comes a brand new work colleague who has their own ideas of how things should be done, and proceeds to do those things, their way, even though you are there. IN YOUR OFFICE. Sorry, shouted then, didn't mean to.

Actually, that's not true. Because for 5 weeks, stay at homes parents throughout the world have to do the same thing when this intrusion occurs, we stay quite. You cannot, under any circumstances, rock the boat. Your partner is trying to be helpful. True, they didn't ask if you needed help, or how they could help, but they are trying. So we, those still working in our office, stay quite, we smile, we say thank you, then tidy up the helpful thing they have just done. 

Now my better half reads my blog, so you may think I'm being brave writing this, but I truly miss her when she goes back to work. She is the reason our family can function the way it does and knows how much I appreciate every thing she does, but she also knows the how frustrating it can be for me during the holidays. So, dear reader, please spare a thought for all the stay at home parents out there. As you groan about a return to work, please remember, we never stopped. In fact our workload increased. So enjoy your free headspace on your daily commute, enjoy the camaraderie of the work place and the fact you had time to shower before starting work. For myself, summer is over, time for a holiday.


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